

发布日期:2015年05月08日      作者:      编辑:刘佯      审核:      点击:[]
本期主题: Fast & Furious  

The Fast & Furious has always been a popular Hollywood movie series. 速度与激情是一经久不衰的好莱坞系列电影. And the Furious7 has already taken ¥15.2 billion at the box office in China, within 8 days. So which episode of the series impressed you the most ? 速度与激情系列电影哪一部最震撼你呢? We are waiting for your ideas!


上一条:【校园新闻】20150504第八期新闻 下一条:【荧幕之光】20150422荧幕之光
