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Justin T. Mohr教授学术报告:Regio- and Stereocontrol with Anions and Radicals

2016-11-11  作者:  编辑:唐鋆磊  审核:  浏览:[]


报告题目:Regio-and Stereocontrol with Anions and Radicals


报告人:JustinT. Mohr教授






主办单位: 化学化工学院, 国家重点实验室, 科研处





ABSTRACT:Dienolates and their synthetic equivalents provide a versatile platformfor  regioselective functionalizationprotocols owing to their ambident reactivity.Exploration of radical additions to these synthons results in apotential solution to the long-standing problem of γ-functionalization ofcarbonyl compounds. Emphasis is placed on developing catalytic reactions thatare efficient, Practical and scalable.In addition, examination of dienolates as versatile nucleophiles enablesinstallation of diverse functional groups with unprecedented regiocontrol.  These efforts uncover a number of new stereocontroleffects that enhance their potential for use in complex molecule  synthesis and provide new opportunities formethod development.



专家简介: Justin Mohr美国伊利诺斯大学(芝加哥)大学教授、博士生导师。Justin Mohr教授主要从事过渡金属催化剂、天然产物全合成、化学键形成新反应;生物活性分子设计合成、有机合成方法学等研究。已经在Nature Nature ChemProc. Natl.Acad.Sci. U.S.A J. Am. Chem. Soc Angew. Chem., Int.Ed Org. Lett等期刊上发表研究论文30多篇。他获得了 2014年度Thieme Chemistry Journal Award 。他获得University ofIllinois 的优秀奖( Fellow of the UIC Honors College )。他曾经,在ACSmeeting NOS meeting等国际大会上做过大会报告。同时他长期为J. Am. Chem. Soc Angew. Chem., Int.Ed等国际权威期刊审稿专家。





Professional Experience :


Associate Professor, Organic Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (2012–present)


Education Experience :


A. B. in Chemistry (Honors, cum laude), Dartmouth College (1999–2003)


Ph. D. in Synthetic Organic Chemistry , California Institute of Technology (2003–2009)


Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2009–2012)


Research Interests:


Transition metal catalysis and naturalproduct synthesis


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