
讲座预告:Technic English: Study, Translation and Paper Writing

发布日期:2019年11月01日      作者:      编辑:罗琴琴      审核:      点击:[]

主讲人:Dr. Liming Dai

间:20191141900 2030



Among all the popular languages in the world, English is probably the most important communication tool in the field of natural and social sciences. The present presentation intends to describe the significances of English study for students, educators and researchers whose first language is not English. Emphasis will be given to the English study and application at a North American university as a foreign student and scholar. The experience of English/Chinese translation for technical papers, books and archived documents will be shared. Technical paper writing in English will also be discussed as it is a fundamental and critical skill required in the field of natural science, social science and technology. Good writing skill is not only important for describing ideas of the writer and providing necessary comprehension to the readers in the world, but also crucial to the success of a project or a proposal in many cases. The essential requirements and skills for technical paper writing will thus be presented, from a viewpoint of a researcher, reviewer and editor.


Dr. Liming Dai, P. Eng., ASME Fellow, professor and Program Chair of Industrial Systems Engineering at the University of Regina. He has been working on engineering education, industrial design and manufacturing and research in the past decades, with nationally and international recognized contributions, his research interests are in nonlinear dynamics, chaos, accurate and reliable numerical methods, noise control and its industrial applications. He has been continuously granted by NSERC for his research projects for 20 years, and is the receiver of NSERC DAS award. There are more than 300 peer reviewed papers and 8 monographs published by him. His research results have been applied in industries and research areas. His expertise includes the P-T method for higher accurate and reliable numerical calculations, the P-R method for diagnosing and characterizing nonlinear behaviors of dynamic systems, the analysis and active control of nonlinear vibrations, mobilization and flow of multiphase liquid in porous media, novel acoustic porous materials and noise control with porous media, vortex and von Karman vortex street analyses, analysis and numerical simulations of liquid-solid coupling, engineering management modern mechanical design and pressure vessel design and manufacturing.

Dr. Liming Dai has experiences of teaching at several Canadian universities and colleges and worked as a chief engineer and plant manager at a company in Calgary. He has been in organizing international conferences as conference chair, symposium chair and organizer for more than 40 ASME and other international conferences. He is also an editorial board member for several internal scientific and technical journals.


上一条:2019年秋校园之声英文书法大赛获奖名单 下一条:【10月教学月报】抓建设、重监控、保质量、争效果——外国语学院聚焦课程建设,提升教学质量
