承担及参与国家自然科学基金项目、973项目、国家重大专项、四川省基础研究项目、中石油及中石化科研项目40余项,参与起草(修订)行业标准2项、企业标准2项。发表论文80余篇,SCI收录18篇,EI收录32篇;获授权发明专利11件、实用新型专利3件。获四川省教学成果一等奖1项,红宝石官方网站hbs123教学成果特等奖1项。获省部级科学技术一等奖2项、三等奖4项,红宝石官方网站hbs123科技进步奖3项。 主要论文如下: (1) 李早元, Deng Zhizhong, Guo Xiaoyang. An analysis of the microscopic cracking mechanism of hardened alkali-activated slag[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018,170: 466-484. (2) 李早元, Sun Jinfei, Luo PingYa, et al. Research on the law of mechanical damage-induced deformation of cement sheaths of a gas storage well[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2017,43: 48-57. (3) 李早元, Zhang Kai, Guo Xiaoyang, et al. Study of the failure mechanisms of a cement sheath based on an equivalent physical experiment[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016,31: 331-339. (4) Sun Jinfei, 李早元*, Luo Pingya*, et al. Numerical modeling of motion of displacement interface in eccentric annulus during primary cementing[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2020. (5) 李早元, Honghua Liu, Xiaoyang Guo, Hongjuan Ou, Tao Gu. Contamination of cement slurries with oil based mud and its components in cementing operations[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016,29:160-168. (6) 李早元, Kaiqiang Liu, Xiaowei Cheng, Kaiyuan Mei, Fengjuan Xiong, Xiaoyang Guo. The influence of sulfomethyl phenol formaldehyde resin (SMP) on cementing slurry[J]. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2015,29(10):1002-1013. (7) 李早元, Zhizhong Deng, Xiaoyang Guo, Linhai Zhang, Yaliang Zhi. Study of the impact of solidifier inorganic components on the performance of a solidifiable gel plugging fluid[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015,23:450-457. (8) 李早元, Kaiqiang Liu, Xiaowei Cheng, Xiaoyang Guo. Research on the influence of K-PAM on the microstructure of cement slurry[J]. Advances in Cement Research, 2015,27(9):526-531. (9) 李早元, Tao Gu, Xiaoyang Guo, Xiaowei Cheng. Characterization of the unidirectional corrosion of oilwell cement exposed to H2S under high-sulfur gas reservoir conditions[J]. Rsc Advances, 2015,5(87):71529-71536. (10) 李早元, 祁凌, 辜涛, 孙劲飞, 郭小阳. 微米与纳米级CaCO_3对油井水泥石酸溶特性的影响[J]. 硅酸盐通报, 2018,37(08):2576-2582. (11) 李早元, 柳洪华, 郭小阳, 辜涛, 欧红娟. 油基钻井液组分对水泥浆性能的影响及其机理[J]. 天然气工业, 2016,36(03):63-68. (12) 李早元, 辜涛, 郭小阳, 康锁柱, 李明, 欧红娟, 柳洪华. 油基钻井液对水泥浆性能的影响及其机理[J]. 天然气工业, 2015,35(08):63-68. (13) 李早元, 李进, 郭小阳, 李宁, 董广超. 固井早期气窜预测新方法及其应用[J]. 天然气工业, 2014,34(10):75-82. |