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发布日期:2017年11月20日       供稿:       编辑:hgyzyw       审核:       点击:[]



报 告 人:谢全 博士

时 间:20171124日(周五)下午15:00

地 点:国家重点实验室A403学术报告厅

报告人单位: Curtin University, Australia(澳大利亚科廷大学)


报告内容1,如何选择期刊;2. 如何选择审稿人;3.如何提高论文的引用率。4. 综合介绍科技论文的写作逻辑(从摘要到结论部分)

报告人:Dr Sam/Quan Xie is a lecturer in the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University, Australia, engaging in Enhanced Oil Recovery and Reservoir Simulation areas. As an active researcher, Quan has been engaging in a number of research and commercial projects mainly focused on core-scale numerical simulation and reservoir simulation as well as supervising PhD students. He published more than 30 research articles on SCI journals, SPE and SCA conferences, etc.

He got his bachelor degree in Applied Chemistry in 2005, and master degree in Oil and Gas Field Development Engineering, mainly focused on EOR, from Southwest Petroleum University (SWPU) in 2008. From 2008, Quan pursued his PhD in the Overseas Research Institute of Oil and Gas Engineering in China University of Petroleum (Beijing). He started his career in 2011 in the Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (RIPED) of PetroChina in Beijing. Quan have/had been heavily involved and lead in Chemical-EOR, Low Salinity Water Flooding, and CO2 sequestration, which were funded by CNPC, Geoscience Australia, Shell, and Ministry of Science and Technology of China during the past six years.




上一条:国外PCT专利申请的几个关键问题 下一条:20171107地质统计学储层建模的发展以及卡斯特岩溶储层建模探讨
