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PhD student Neetesh Soni went to France to join Summer School on Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography

发布日期:2019年06月17日    作者:    编辑:赵哲    审核:    点击:[]

PhD student Neetesh Soni attended the 1st The International Union of Crystallography, Commission on Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography, Summer School on Mathematical Crystallography Nancy, France, 3 - 7 June 2019. This is precious chance to learn about the most recent research on crystallography fields. Neetesh Soni gave his poster presentation titled as " X-ray diffraction characterization of an intermetallic metastable phase Al4Cu9 phase in a hybrid joining of friction stir weld" in summer school, and was granted the appreciation letter from organizing committee chair head of Prof. Massimo Nespolo.

Neetesh Soni was granted the certificate of attendance by Prof. Massimo Nespolo

The certificate of attendance from the Summer School

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